Saturday, January 1

January 1 - Mary, Mother of God

 Today -  January 1 - is the celebration of Mary Mother of God

A review:

I truly enjoyed Amy Welborn's The Words We Pray and learned a lot from it so it is not surprising that I found a great deal of value in this book about Mary as well. The passage above gives a hint of the theological depth which she makes easily available to us, while showing clearly how Christ's first disciple, his mother, is a prime example of how to follow Him. Likewise, Welborn ties in Mary's life to our own so that we are given many examples of how the trials and joys of everyday life have much to contemplate that brings us closer to Jesus. As we are guided through the Annunciation, the Visitation, and on to Mary's appearance in the Book of Revelations, there are other contemplations on Mary included in appropriate sections. From Hilary of Poitiers to Caryll Houselander, from Thomas Merton to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Pope John Paul II, thoughtfully selected hymns and thoughts enrich the journey. As well, each section ends with "On the Devotional Side" which highlights a particular devotion to Mary. We are given not only the devotion itself, but the history and how it has influenced the saints as well as more current people. It is hard to imagine that such a complete resource can be only 150 pages but Welborn has done it beautifully. This is a book that I can use for my own enlightenment as well as being a perfect gift to those who wonder just what it is about Mary that attracts Catholics so. Highly recommended.

-by Amy Welborn