First Communion Gifts from Amy Welborn
A number of books I've written or had a hand in would make great First Communion gifts. The links on this page take you to the publishers' pages, Catholic online bookstores, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. But always - check your local Catholic or parish bookstore first, and give them your support!Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI Speaks to Children on Their First Holy Communion
[youtube] Friendship With Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI Talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion is based on a dialogue in St. Peter's Square that took place in 2006. Artist Ann Engelhart thought the dialogue would make a wonderful children's book and asked me to help edit it and get it published. It was first published in England by the Catholic Truth Society in 2010 and then picked up by Ignatius Press in 2011.Here's an interview with Ann about the book on the Ignatius Press site. Another interview with her at the Patheos site.
Books about Saints
The Loyola Kids' Book of Saints Over 40 saints' lives,written at a middle-school reading level. I. Saints are People Who Love Children St. Nicholas,St. John Bosco, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Blessed Gianna Beretta MollaBuy this at Aquinas and More Catholic Goods Barnes and Noble
The Loyola Kids Book of Heroes
More saints' lives, organized according to the virtues they expressed through their lives.
- Introduction: Jesus is Born
- John the Baptist: A Hero Prepares the Way
- Early Christian Martyrs: Heroes are Faithful Friends
- Medieval Mystery Plays: Heroes Make the Bible Come to Life
- St. Albert the Great: Heroes Study God’s Creation
- Sister Blandina Segale: Heroes Work in Faith
- Introduction: Jesus Teaches
- Pentecost: Heroes on Fire with Hope
- Paul: A Hero Changes and Finds Hope
- St. Patrick and St. Columba: Heroes Bring Hope into Darkness
- St. Jane de Chantal: Heroes Hope through Loss
- St. Mary Faustina Kowalska: A Hero Finds Hope in Mercy
- Introduction: Jesus Works Miracles
- Peter and John: Heroes are Known by their Love
- St. Genevieve: A City is Saved by a Hero’s Charity
- St. Meinrad and St. Edmund Campion: Heroes love their Enemies
- Venerable Pierre Toussaint: A Hero Lives a Life of Charity
- Rose Hawthorne Lathrop: A Hero Cares for Those Who Need it Most
- Blessed Teresa of Calcutta: A Hero Lives Charity with the Dying
- Introduction: Jesus Strikes a Balance
- Peter and Cornelius: Heroes Love Their Neighbors
- Charlemagne and Alcuin: Heroes Use their Talents for Good
- St. Francis: A Hero Appreciates Creation
- Venerable Matt Talbot: Heroes Can Let Go
- Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: A Hero Enjoys the Gift of Life
- Introduction: Jesus Gives Us Leaders to Help us Make Good Choices
- Paul and Barnabas at Lystra: Heroes See the Good in All Things
- St. Jean de Brebeuf: A Hero Respects Others
- Catherine Doherty and Jean Vanier: Heroes Bring New Ideas
- Venerable Solanus Casey: A Hero Accepts His Life
- Blessed John XXIII: A Hero Finds a New Way