Wednesday, January 19

Adult Bible Study

   The Apostles is a collection of the catecheses Pope Benedict XVI gave during his weekly General Audiences in 2006 and 2007. The talks were given in either St. Peter’s Square or, in less favorable weather, the Paul VI Hall next to St. Peter’s Basilica.

Below are excerpts from a study guide written by Amy Welborn and available for free download here. 

Below are some of questions for the first session on the Apostle Peter. 

 Questions for Study 

1. What was Peter’s family and religious background? How would you describe his character?

 2. “The boat of Peter becomes the chair of Jesus” (page 47). What does this mean?

 3. The first stage of Peter’s faith journey was his answer to Jesus’ call. How did he answer? 

4. The second stage of Peter’s journey is represented by his answer to Jesus’ question at Caesarea Philippi. What happened here? What was the challenge to Peter’s faith? What did he need to understand?

 5. How does the multiplication of the loaves reinforce the truth that Jesus revealed to Peter at Caesarea Philippi? 

"amy welborn"