Friday, October 12

Many observations about culpability these days. The seemingly rather simple question of "who was responsible" has, in many quarters been mucked up by the cumulative effect of a century or more of victim-making (no, it didn't just start in the Sixties. Personally, I blame Freud.) that tends to ignore real victims. A couple of observations cribbed from various places:

Ann Coulterasks:

If Islam is not responsible for terrorism, why is [an average, modern day white guy named] Vinnie responsible for slavery? I'm just trying to get the rules straight on collective guilt.

One could add - then why is Catholicism in general condemned for the Crusades or the Inquisition?

Jay Nordling tells this joke in today's National Review:

Two liberals are walking down the road, when they come upon a man in a ditch, who has been severely beaten, who is bleeding, broken, moaning, left for dead. The one liberal turns to the other and says, “We must find the people who did this. They need help.”